Bridechilla™ Tip #24

Tip #24 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Subscribe to the Bridechilla™ Blog!


So you’re following us on Facebook, Twitter, and you’re even pinning away (have you checked out our Bridechilla board?) with us on Pinterest, which are all key ways to follow the chill, but here is one more way you can stay even more up-to-date with the inspiration: We highly encourage you to subscribe to our posts by e-mail! Beneath our Pinterest graphic on the sidebar to the right of this post, you will see a “Subscribe by e-mail” option, and that is where you will be able to enter your e-mail and keep up with our posts as well as be a part of our monthly newsletter that is currently in production. And don’t worry – we are not going to spam your inbox. We’re too chill for that 😉


Thank you to all of our new readers & don’t forget to stop by our shop sometime!


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