Bridechilla™ Tip #26

Tip #26 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Remember to capture a special moment with your mother!

bbcb6727766d7ed4ac7d163cb028185a  Photo by Solace Weddings

Hopefully our Bridechillas have remembered that Mother’s Day is right around the corner, (May 12th, for those of you who forgot! 😉 ) and have found a special way to show your mother how much she is appreciated. And even if you haven’t gotten your mom a gift yet, we really do love these ideas on Little Inspiration as well as this necklace we came across on Lisa Leonard Designs. Even just a lunch date would probably make for a memorable Mother’s Day.


Since we’re celebrating our mothers we just had to share some of these photo ideas for your chill day. If you’re looking to have a special photo with Mom, these are the perfect combination of sweet and fun.  And speaking of gift ideas, take one of your photos with mom to be framed and give it to her this Mother’s Day!


Photo by Taylor Lord Photography 


Photo by Mademoiselle Fiona Wedding Photography

A great mama-daughter photo.. this one deserves to be in a frame for sure!


Photo by Edison Photography

And isn’t this just a dream? This is from a must see post on Style Me Pretty Canada. Perfect if you’re planning a Mother’s Day tea party or even a picnic!


Photo by Rebekah Hoyt

Love this shot of the bride and her mother! What a great perspective, and so precious.
We’re sharing Bridechilla™ Tip #26 in honor of all the great moms out there. Don’t let a special photo with Mom slip your mind amidst all the other photos on your wedding day.. remember she will love to have a photo like this too! From all of us at Bridechilla, we wish you and your moms, grandmothers, and even mothers-to-be a very chill Mother’s Day!

“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but
whose place no one can take”


Thank you to all of our new readers & don’t forget to stop by our shop sometime! P.S. Check out the Bridechilla Team tee, could be a great gift to the Mother-of-the-Bridechilla!

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