Bridechilla™ Tip #30

Tip #30 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Remember the 5 most common things Summer brides forget! See our list below.

summer bridePhoto by Michele M. Waite

Tomorrow is the first day of SUMMER (what’s your favorite summer activity?!), so if wedding season isn’t in full swing yet – it’s about to be. While we’re preparing ourselves we also want to make sure our Bridechilla’s are too. This week’s Bridechilla™ Tip is made for the brides planning to say ‘I do’ in the next few months. These tips will have you on top of the things most Summer Bridechillas will forget.

summer boutonnierePHOTO BY Summer Street Photography

the  B O U T O N N I E R E  –  Order a back-up boutonniere (or two!) for your groom. Since he will be wearing this all day, the florals are apt to wilt a lot quicker. Having a spare will keep his look fresh and chill through a sunny and warm wedding day.

summer guestsPHOTO BY onelove photography

the  G U E S T S  –  Keep your guests in mind when planning a summer wedding. The day is likely to be hot and sunny, so have something out for them to stay cool with. Either fans, umbrellas, or even pairs of shades for every one!

spiked unspiked copyTOP PHOTO by Catherine Hall Studios, Bottom photo by Jessica Burke Photography

the  D R I N K S  –  Make sure there are plenty of non-alcoholic refreshments! Guests will be trying to stay hydrated, so you don’t want them grabbing cocktails every time they get a little thirsty. A signature of an Off The Beaten Path Wedding, the “Spiked” and “Not Spiked” punch is always the way to go. Also… make sure you and the groom have water bottles handy – you will be talking, dancing, and moving a lot so you will be very thirsty!

summer couple

photos by Jessica Burke Photography

the  P O R T R A I T S  –  Your photographer may have warned you of this one, but we’re going to tell you anyway. Do NOT schedule your portraits for noon. And if you don’t know what the “magic light” or “magic hour” is, be sure to ask your photographer! At noon, the sun will be at it’s peak and you will definitely be having some harsh shadows ruining your images. So remember to wait later on in the day, around pre-sunset for the most chill photo experience.

seasonal producePHOTO via the habit of being

the  F A V O R S  –  Don’t forget to use the summer season to your advantage! Our favorite way of sending a chill thank you to your guests is by sending home summer treats as thank you favors. Theses seasonal fruit favors will keep your guests refreshed, and can even be a snack for the ride home. We even have a list of summer fruits for you right here.

Happy planning, Bridechillas!


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4 thoughts on “Bridechilla™ Tip #30

  1. Pingback: Anna & David’s Off The Beaten Path Wedding | Bridechilla Blog

  2. Pingback: Bridechilla™ Tip #35 | Bridechilla Blog

  3. Pingback: Bridechilla™ Tip #36 | Bridechilla Blog

  4. Pingback: Bridechilla™ Tip #44 | Bridechilla Blog

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