Bridechilla™ Tip #47

Tip #47 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Keep us in your social media radar!


With a new year comes new changes. Whether you’re taking us up on date ideas with your beau or vowing to put down your iPhone more, sometimes change is all anyone needs. So, what’s new with us? Bridechilla™ has decided to begin updating our Facebook followers via Off The Beaten Path Weddings. All that means is we are taking our chill to a new Facebook platform, so that we can be more efficient and bring more chill inspiration to all of our Bridechillas. Bridechilla™ actually started with the makers behind Off The Beaten Path Weddings out of Napa Valley – so now we are simply going back to our “home” to stay. All we ask of our readers in this week’s chill tip is that you make sure you have “liked” Off The Beaten Path Weddings on Facebook. If you haven’t, you can do so here. This will help us keep in touch with you as our fans and following, and help you be in touch with us and all the inspiration we plan to bring you in 2014!

New Facebook Home!


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