First Look Friday: Emily + Grant by Off The Beaten Path Weddings, Photos by onelove photography

Welcome to another First Look Friday! We hope you remember this awesome couple… to us, they will always remind us of the word, “WOOPA” as they created it and made it the theme of their wedding. Haven’t seen it yet? Check out WOOPA here. But first, check out how this Bridechilla™ sneaks up on her guy… happy FLF!

Emily-and-GrantAnd thank you SO much to our friends at onelove photography for capturing this special moment between Emily and Grant! Remember to enjoy the rest of this Bridechilla™’s chill day on Style Me Pretty. And of course, HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!


Attention photographers! Have a first look photo you want to submit? E-mail us at social{at}!

First Look Friday: Jen + Bryan by Off The Beaten Path Weddings, Photos by Catherine Hall Studios

Since we are less than 10 days from the start of our season, we thought we’d throw it back to one of our weddings from a couple years ago! Welcome to  First Look Friday, or should I say FLASHBACK Friday, since we are featuring Jen and Bryan today? It doesn’t matter, because this wedding was beautiful and they are also celebrating their anniversary this month (May 14th); with tulips, bow-tie’s, and a pup to make the day even better – it’s hard to only share one single moment, but we know it’s one you’re going to love: 

Jen and BryanThank you SO much to our friends at Catherine Hall Studios for capturing this special moment between Jen and Bryan! Jen’s face holds all the emotion that words could never say, there is just so much joy… Enjoy the rest of this Bridechilla™’s chill day on Style Me Pretty.

And of course, HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!


Attention photographers! Have a first look photo you want to submit? E-mail us at social{at}!