Father-Daughter Dance Songs

b66aa526f1926b38edd79c2f520bbf0fWith Father’s Day this Sunday, we’re absolutely loving these gift ideas on Etsy. You might have already picked out a new tie or tickets to the game, or even one of the world’s cutest t-shirts for dad... but just in case you haven’t decided on a gift yet we have a quick fix – make him a CD! It’s easy, thoughtful, and not too time consuming. You can gather every song that is significant to the two of you, burn to a disc, and craft up a quick CD cover. And to give you a head start, we’ve gathered a playlist of our favorite father-daughter songs. Scroll away to hear some of our favorite tracks for you and your dad to dance to.

78a715d20d770eb0bc52cab1a21a12aeFather’s Day Tracklist:

  1. Billy Joel – “Lullaby
  2. Stevie Wonder – “Isn’t She Lovely
  3. The Avett Brothers – “A Father’s First Spring
  4. John Mayer – “Daughters
  5. Neil Young – “Here For You
  6. Bon Iver – “For Emma, Forever Ago
  7. The Flaming Lips – “Do You Realize
  8. Cat Power – “Sea of Love
  9. Paul Simon – “Father and Daughter
  10. Johnny Cash – “You Are My Sunshine
  11. Beyonce – “Daddy
  12. City & Colour – “The Girl

37afa8470aaa61be1c88adf4aec2b9a7A few of these songs you might want to keep in mind for your wedding day, because they would also make for great father-daughter dance songs. We would love for our Bridechilla’s to celebrate their fathers on this special day but we do honor the chill fathers we’ve lost. If you will not be dancing with your dad on your chill day, try honoring his memory with some of these ways we’ve listed in our blog post, How to Honor Lost Loved Ones on Your Wedding Day“.  


Happy Father’s Day to all our dads out there! From the Bridechilla™ Team!

image credits: image one | image two | image three | image four
