Bridechilla™ Tip #35

Tip #35 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Cool off your wedding guests with a unique dessert idea, an ICE CREAM BAR!


Katelyn James Photography

The whole world knows we’re huge dessert fans over here on Bridechilla™. Off The Beaten Path Weddings is too, in case you haven’t seen their luscious dessert inventions yet. And we still have summer heating us up, so we’re guessing that your wedding guests need a chill dessert to cool them after off wiggling all over the dance floor at your reception.

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Aurora Meneghello Productions

We love the idea of wedding desserts that aren’t just a white cake with a floral accent. They will always be a classic, but nowadays there are SO. MANY. POSSIBILITIES. All the options can be distracting, but today we’re focusing on one that can satisfy many guests’ taste buds. Join us in using this hot weather as a perfect excuse to binge on your favorite ice cream flavors!

scoop it upjennie andrews photography

Having an ice cream bar at your wedding is great for many reasons:

  1. You can have multiple flavors so everyone has a choice they like.
  2. It will help cool people off if your wedding lands on a hot summer day.
  3. You can name the flavors ridiculously cheesy titles like, “Mint To Be” (mint chip) “Chocolate Kiss”, “Wedding Cake”, or even “Rocky Road To My Heart” (maybe we should have left that last one out?) 🙂
  4. Include toppings! Nuts, sprinkles, chocolate chips, syrups… be creative.

    V.A. photography

  5. You can even include sugar free options!
  6. Imagine how few people have a dessert bar as chill as this, your wedding will automatically be more unique than most.


Erich McVey Photography

We can go on and on, but even if you’re watching calories, sugar, or just don’t {GASP!} enjoy ice cream, there is another frozen treat we can suggest: Frozen Yogurt! Or Froyo. This option has just as many possibilities, but is known to be more healthy.


via eatliverun

Whether you’re going traditional with a cake or maybe a pie, or taking us up on a dessert bar, we can’t help but love all desserts. What has been your favorite wedding dessert of all time? Why did you love it? Tell us in a comment below!


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Anna & David’s Off The Beaten Path Wedding

anna and david couple

This past weekend we celebrated the union of Off The Beaten Path couple, Anna & David. This chill couple kicked off the OTBPW 2013 season last Saturday at a private estate in Napa Valley. This was the first wedding of the season, so we thought it would be chill to have LIVE updates for our readers on Facebook and Instagram, as well as Twitter. We suggest you follow along with us as this is the first of MANY Bridechilla’s you will be able to gain live inspiration from as it is happening.

An Off The Beaten Path Wedding is known to be a celebration in nature full of creative touches and gracious hospitality. Anna & David’s wedding exemplified a true celebration in nature; full of organic infused design that only meant seasonal flowers, colors, olive branches folded in to the napkins, and much more. As much as this day was beautifully designed, it was just as much fun for the guests; as Mary Ellen Murphy would call it, “a party with a wedding thrown in”.

A wedding without walls is all about using natural surroundings for decor and making the most of the setting you’re in. The OTBPW team used the shade outside the Napa Valley private venue to serve spiked and unspiked lemonade to arriving guests, which were embellished with vibrant florals. Every table was adorned with pink hydrangeas and yellow blooms, creating a irresistible color palette and a pop of summer hues. The escort cards all hung on 3 plum trees, where they could be easily found during cocktail hour.


One of the most memorable aspects of the wedding was this chill dessert idea. Anna & David were so chill and so Off The Beaten Path by choosing to go above and beyond when it came to the standard wedding cake. Instead of just a cake, Anna & David let the Off The Beaten Path Wedding team run with a NEW idea – a dessert bar. This was hands-down one of the most favorite details to the wedding, which included everything from root beer floats and cheesecake to cookies and milkshake donuts. (Oh yes we did) Tons of guests captured images of this new Off The Beaten Path signature detail, but we made sure to gather some images of our own to show our Bridechilla™ readers.

anna and david dessert

Anna & David’s chill dessert bar, featuring OTBPW invention, “Milkshake Donuts”

anna and david chillin

Guests were greeted with the choice of spiked or unspiked lemonade, a trademark by Off The Beaten Path Weddings (and a must-have drink for
a summer wedding in our opinion…)




a big chill thank you to the Off The Beaten Path Weddings Team for all your
hard work last Saturday!

We look forward to sharing more inspiring details from this Summer’s weddings, but nothing compares to getting the inspiration as it is happening. To follow us and catch more of the OTBPW Team in action find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
