The lilacs have bloomed in Napa!

BRIDECHILLAS, if you are in the Napa area in the near future – we highly encourage you to stop by Off The Beaten Path at First and Main to see these beautiful blooms.

Not only is this shop full of inspirational details for your wedding (or any upcoming event that needs some chill styling!), but there are heaps of beautiful lilacs to go around. They won’t be here long, so go by and get some for your home, office, or just for someone special.


Some lilac fun facts:

  • Lilacs attract butterflies… more reason to get these beautiful bouquets!
  • Lilacs were grown in America’s first botanical gardens. Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew them in their gardens. Lilac bushes can live for hundreds of years, so who knows, a bush planted way back when may actually still be around
  • They are native to Eastern Europe and Asia. The colonists brought them to America in the 17th century.
  • Poet Walt Whitman thought of lilacs when Abraham Lincoln died:“When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom’d . . . I mourn’d, and yet hall mourn with ever-returning spring.”
  • On caring for your lilacs when growing them at home – keep the grass from growing around them. Try using a 16 to 24 inch circle of landscape cloth placed around the bushes and covered with bark or stone will keep the grass down.

Need directions to Off The Beaten Path at First & Main? Click here for a map to the shop! See you there…
