Off The Beaten Path Weddings Celebrates One Year of LOVE: Emilie & Jim, October 6th, 2012

happy anniversary e and j  We’re just about through our first week of Fall and in sync, we are celebrating another fantastic Off The Beaten Path Weddings couple we love. Emilie and Jim had one of our very few OTBP weddings that take place during Fall, and we just love the touches of orange that paralleled with the beauty of this season. We’re so thrilled to spend our today wishing our Bridechilla™ , Emilie, and her husband Jim a very belated, but happy anniversary.This couple has shown us such great love and appreciation, and today we want to celebrate them!


So, below we remember some of the special moments of their chill day through beautiful photos taken by our friends at Onelove Photography. This wedding is full of seasonal details designed by Mary Ellen Murphy & the team behind Off The Beaten Path Weddings, take it all in!


From their invitations and stationary to their wedding day color choices, Emilie and Jim had a day embellished in just the right amount of seasonal touches. With pops of orange, pink, and white, their reception and wedding day kept the brightness and light mood of Summer, but introduced the beautiful color schemes of Autumn as well.  seasonal touches

And of course, white pumpkins make for perfect escort pieces.


This Off The Beaten Path Weddings couple was so chill, and so was their wedding party which included a special (and very furry) guest.


Don’t you love Emilie’s sweater? 😉


What a beautiful wedding for us to look back on and celebrate. Can’t believe it’s already been a whole year… Happy anniversary to this chill couple.

happy anniversary


Wedding Planning + Styling: Off the Beaten Path Weddings

one yearTo many many many more chill years of love and happiness. -Bridechilla™ & Off The Beaten Path Weddings


PART TWO: Interview with a blogging Bridechilla™

julia and tom

One month shy of marrying her hubby-to-be, our Off The Beaten Path Weddings Bridechilla™ Julia Bayard was blogging away about her planning experience as well as everything “preppy and fabulous”. From Wedding Planning 101 to stylish adventures with her now husband, Tom, this Bridechilla™ has been inspiring us to encourage all brides to start a blog on their journey to the aisle. One month before her wedding, we interviewed Julia about her experience with Off The Beaten Path Weddings and how blogging has kept her chill throughout the experience. Find more about Julia’s pre-wedding journey here, and read below for our interview with her on the DAY OF her wedding! All photos from the #juliaandtom Instagram feed.


So, how are you feeling today Julia?

I’m in a good mood! Here I am, sitting in full hair and make-up, in my wedding dress… it’s kind of surreal. Is this really happening? I am so happy to have everyone I love here with me today.

There are so many things to be excited about right now, what are you looking forward to the most today?

For over a whole year I have been so consumed in this day; making sure everything will come together and finally it is my turn to just relax. I am excited to simply enjoy myself with everyone I love and care about.

Tell us about your experience with Off The Beaten Path Weddings.

It was great. Mary Ellen was a real expert and helped streamline the wedding planning process. She got our vision right away and was able to make many decisions without our involvement, which was amazing considering how many decisions we needed to make otherwise.

How has blogging about your wedding planning experience helped this process as a whole? Did you ever get any great advice from fellow bloggers and readers?

Oh absolutely- everything from what to register for “don’t register for like life you life now, register for the life you will lead” to getting ready tips “begin hair and makeup before you think you need to because you will for sure run late.” It was helpful to both be able to vent/get advice from a large network and also share any great resources we found.

How have you kept the anti-zilla attitude through this whole experience?

Mary Ellen did a wonderful job working with vendors and partners to provide us with the best options possible. That really helped reduce the stress because we knew we were in good hands 🙂

It’s been 1 month since our first interview with you. What are some things you think all brides should remember in the final month of planning?

The end is in sight! The final push is usually the most challenging but it’s so worth it when you can relax on your big day!

Side note: check out how Julia & Tom’s reception grew even more beautiful as the night went on… talk about lighting love!

Lighting love

Are you a Bridechilla™ sharing your step-by-step, month-by-month experience with the world? Please send your link to us so we can stay in tune with your planning experience and be on hand with any chill advice you might need for this experience!


Find Julia Bayard’s Blog, Tartan & Sequins by clicking here be on the look out as she begins sharing the official photos from her wedding by Onelove Photography. Find Tartans & Sequins on Facebook and Twitter. Congratulations to Julia and Tom!


Off The Beaten Path Weddings Celebrates One Year of LOVE: Molly and Gavin, September 22nd, 2012


otbp-congratulationsWe’re so thrilled to spend our Sunday wishing our Bridechilla™ , Molly, and her husband Gavin a very happy anniversary. Below we remember some of the special moments of their chill day, as told by their event stylist, Mary Ellen Murphy of Off The Beaten Path Weddings. All photos taken by Allison Fairfield Photography.


What was your favorite thing about working with Molly and Gavin?

Molly and Gavin’s fun-loving spirits made them a pleasure to work with… Congrats to you both!


How did Molly embrace the chill & be a total anti-zilla?

Molly welcomed her little pup, Ruby, to the day, always a chill move for our brides 🙂


Tell us some memorable details that stood out to you about Molly and Gavin’s wedding day.

The couple’s location was a dream! And their color palette just accented all of the beauty with pops of orange and pink.

Words to us from the bride, “Thank you so much for everything you and the OTBPW team did to make our wedding such a great event. The wedding was altogether fantastic and Gavin and I enjoyed every minute of it! It turned out exactly how we had envisioned it and we wouldn’t have changed a thing.” Thanks Molly!



Wedding Planning + Styling: Off the Beaten Path Weddings

one yearTo many many many more chill years of love and happiness. -Bridechilla™ & Off The Beaten Path Weddings


Off The Beaten Path Weddings Celebrates One Year of LOVE: Perla and Brian, September 8th, 2012

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We’re so thrilled to spend our Sunday wishing our Bridechilla™ , Perla, and her husband Brian a very happy anniversary. This couple has shown us such great love and appreciation, and today we want to celebrate them! So, below we remember some of the special moments of their chill day, and we also sit back and let the couple tell us how they stayed relaxed and so anti-zilla while planning, how married life is, anniversary plans, and what made their wedding, styled by Mary Ellen Murphy & the team behind Off The Beaten Path Weddings, so special and chill. Photos by The Becker.

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Happy anniversary! Any big plans?

Not really, since we are moving. But we are going to Italy next month 🙂

What was the best part of your wedding day?

Saying I do to the man I love. But beyond that we loved twisted willow as our location, it was just a beautiful setting.

Screen Shot 2013-09-05 at 7.13.11 PMTell us about your planning experience.

The planning was great. And everything was executed great. Recommendations such as the tomato bar still resonate with our guest today.

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Any advice for brides trying to avoid stress while planning?

Definitely hire a planner! Beyond that talk with your partner and agree on a vision and that will minimize so much stress!

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One year of chill love – congratulations! So far, what has been the most valuable lesson learned in keeping a strong marriage?

Your relationship keeps growing past the marriage celebration. Remember the basics!

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Wedding Planning + Styling: Off the Beaten Path Weddings

one yearTo many many many more chill years of love and happiness. -Bridechilla™ & Off The Beaten Path Weddings
