Bridechilla™ Tip #32

Tip #32 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Never lose the memories of your wedding day, get a chill photographer to capture it, AND a chill cinematographer to FILM it!

Off The Beaten Path Weddings couple Alana & Peter

by rose street studio

Vows are so precious and probably one of our favorite parts of the ceremony. These vows are a glimpse in to the love and connection that Alana & Peter have for each other – and we can’t imagine them being captured better in any other way other than in this film by rose street studio. So, press play and see why we just can’t get over this wedding film.

Off The Beaten Path Weddings couple Mark & Tracy

By David Waldorf

When we asked wedding videographer, David Waldorf, why he thinks having a wedding film is such a valuable keepsake, his response was something we can’t help but agree with; “film/video makes you relive the moment unlike any other visual medium. Maybe it is the combination of image and sound that stimulates one’s memory.”

Mondavi Wedding by Off The Beaten Path Weddings – Megan & Carlo

By David Waldorf

Many people (including us) wonder if there would ever be a chance that wedding films would be more chosen over photography in the future. “I feel wedding photography will always be more popular than a wedding video. Analogously the main course is the photography and the video is the dessert”, says Waldorf on the subject.

Off The Beaten Path Couple Anna & Darren

By Weddings on Film

We couldn’t help but ask Waldorf one more important question, especially for our chill brides that are interested in hiring a wedding cinematographer or videographer. So, what is the most important thing to remember when hiring a cinematographer to film your wedding? “One of the most important things in choosing a cinematographer is picking a professional who’s work you can relate to and that you feel confident can tell your story visually.” says Waldorf.

Nick & Laura’s romantic elopement in the mountains

 By Janssen Powers Media

We also  l o v e  our chill photographers and how they have the talent to capture and deliver amazing photos to our Off The Beaten Path couples, so that they can keep their wedding day portraits near and dear to them for all the chill years to come. With the rise of mobile applications such as Instagram Video and Vine, we can’t help but point out some great wedding films that definitely make us want to advise our future Bridechilla’s to consider thinking about hiring a cinematographer along with a photographer.

Heartfelt vows by Travis & Mari

By Bridges Cinema

This video alone can be enough reason to hire a cinematographer. You never know when  your groom is about to bust out in song during the reading of his vows! But in all seriousness, this video is proof that you cannot capture such moments in photos. Have someone film your vows so that you always remember the promises you made (or sang) to each other.

Destination wedding with Nick & Maria

By Paperback Weddings

Promise this is the last one!  This small English wedding is full of pretty,  we just had to include it on this Bridechilla™ Tip. Although the bride’s mother could not make it to the wedding, this video is something we can bet that she loves to watch over and over so that she doesn’t feel like she missed the day completely. Which is another great reason to consider hiring a wedding cinematographer – imagine how happy guests who couldn’t make it will be when they find they can watch a short film of what they missed.


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Bridechilla™ Tip #31

Tip #31 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Throw an awesomely chill 4th of July party in your backyard!


Summer has definitely arrived here in the golden state, and if you aren’t feeling the heat yet, you will be very soon. Since there’s not much we can do about the hot weather, we might as well do our best to enjoy it then, right? And we can’t think of a better time than the Fourth of July to throw a backyard party with good friends, good food, and maybe a little fireworks…

Here are our some of our favorite ways to keep a 4th of July party chill:


Keep it simple with serving fresh berries (totally in season & delicious right now) and soda pop in those classic Coca Cola bottles. This is a great way to give your backyard party a vintage American feel, and these details will not be very hard to find at your local grocery stores.


Refreshments please!  For the non-soda lovers, you must include this signature Off The Beaten Path Wedding detail at all your parties this summer. Everyone will love it! Serve your guests lemonade, with spiked & not spiked options to keep everyone hydrated and chill.


Nothing screams “All-American” like the classic mason jar. Use these for cups at your party and even make them more festive by embellishing them with a red, white, & blue striped straw.

Side note: check out that nail art!


Don’t stress over decor. A simple backyard party is easier to throw than ever. Other than hanging American flags everywhere, you can try this: make flag banners by cutting paint-chip cards from your local hardware store into triangles. Using a hole punch, cut two holes at the top edges of each triangle. String together using white ribbon, separating triangles about 1 inch apart. (Thank you for this helpful & affordable tip!)

6895182b2471865adf28700b35c6b02cBlair’s festive chic.

Stay cool, chill, and cute in a summer dress! Our Bridechilla Julia has picked out a few patriotic looks on her blog, Tartan & Sequins. Can’t go wrong with any of these 4th of July Styles.

1edf8045e4b6e08f50bdfa98d279b01dSparkle, sparkle. It might be in the 90’s or higher where you celebrate the holiday, so try to take your mind off of the heat with some fireworks. Everyone enjoys the hand held sparklers, and they are even suitable for children.


Happy Independence Day from Off The Beaten Path Weddings & Bridechilla.
Celebrate responsibly!


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Bridechilla™ Tip #30

Tip #30 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Remember the 5 most common things Summer brides forget! See our list below.

summer bridePhoto by Michele M. Waite

Tomorrow is the first day of SUMMER (what’s your favorite summer activity?!), so if wedding season isn’t in full swing yet – it’s about to be. While we’re preparing ourselves we also want to make sure our Bridechilla’s are too. This week’s Bridechilla™ Tip is made for the brides planning to say ‘I do’ in the next few months. These tips will have you on top of the things most Summer Bridechillas will forget.

summer boutonnierePHOTO BY Summer Street Photography

the  B O U T O N N I E R E  –  Order a back-up boutonniere (or two!) for your groom. Since he will be wearing this all day, the florals are apt to wilt a lot quicker. Having a spare will keep his look fresh and chill through a sunny and warm wedding day.

summer guestsPHOTO BY onelove photography

the  G U E S T S  –  Keep your guests in mind when planning a summer wedding. The day is likely to be hot and sunny, so have something out for them to stay cool with. Either fans, umbrellas, or even pairs of shades for every one!

spiked unspiked copyTOP PHOTO by Catherine Hall Studios, Bottom photo by Jessica Burke Photography

the  D R I N K S  –  Make sure there are plenty of non-alcoholic refreshments! Guests will be trying to stay hydrated, so you don’t want them grabbing cocktails every time they get a little thirsty. A signature of an Off The Beaten Path Wedding, the “Spiked” and “Not Spiked” punch is always the way to go. Also… make sure you and the groom have water bottles handy – you will be talking, dancing, and moving a lot so you will be very thirsty!

summer couple

photos by Jessica Burke Photography

the  P O R T R A I T S  –  Your photographer may have warned you of this one, but we’re going to tell you anyway. Do NOT schedule your portraits for noon. And if you don’t know what the “magic light” or “magic hour” is, be sure to ask your photographer! At noon, the sun will be at it’s peak and you will definitely be having some harsh shadows ruining your images. So remember to wait later on in the day, around pre-sunset for the most chill photo experience.

seasonal producePHOTO via the habit of being

the  F A V O R S  –  Don’t forget to use the summer season to your advantage! Our favorite way of sending a chill thank you to your guests is by sending home summer treats as thank you favors. Theses seasonal fruit favors will keep your guests refreshed, and can even be a snack for the ride home. We even have a list of summer fruits for you right here.

Happy planning, Bridechillas!


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Bridechilla™ Tip #29

Tip #29 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Keep your wedding party CHILL by taking them on a group bike ride with Napa Valley Bike Tours.

napa valley bike tours

IMAGINE. It’s finally here, the week of your wedding. After all the venue hunting, planning, finding that perfect chalkboard touch you were looking for, deciding on the ultimate floral crown, & even purchasing some very chill bridesmaid gifts, what else is there to do? If you ask us, we’re thinking it’s time to C H I L L. If you’re a California Bridechilla, we suggest a heavy dose of chill  by getting outside, unplugging from our cellphones, and truly enjoying all that wine country has to offer. To make this outdoor experience even more perfect, why not try it on bike? There’s no reason not to take this chance to see Napa Valley from a whole new perspective, especially when our friends at Napa Valley Bike Tours make it so easy.


Napa Valley Bike Tours has hosted numerous wedding groups on private and bespoke guided bike tours; in fact, they’ve even hosted a few of our Bridechillas who have had their Off The Beaten Path Wedding in Napa. Napa Valley Bike Tours hosts bike rides for bachelorette and groomsmen trips, as well as private bike tours for bridal parties and select family members the day before (or even after) the nuptials. Taking one of these tours is the ultimate chill activity that engages everyone in the beautiful destination you’ve chosen for your wedding, while making for a great pre-wedding memory. Let go of that smart phone and try this on for size!

napa valley bike tours2

How will you relax on your wedding week? By having a bicycle ride date with your groom-to-be, or by taking the whole party?

napa valley bike tour3

So IMAGINE a long adventure through Napa Valley concluding in an outdoor picnic under the shade.. can you say C H I L L? We can’t think of a more relaxing adventure than one that lets us nature, food, and the California sunshine all in one day.

napa valley bike tours4

To find out more information about Napa Valley Bike Tours for private bike tours, click here.

napa valley bike tours5

All photos provided by Napa Valley Bike Tours


A big THANK YOU to all of our new readers & followers, we are so grateful for each of you! Please don’t forget to stop by our shop sometime and see some other ways  you can wear the chill.