Bridechilla™ Tip #23

Tip #23 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Take a fun photo with your bridesmaids! It will reflect the fun and unique relationship you have together.

happy bridechilla

Admit it, you L O V E these photos when you come across them. We do too and think they are awesome additions to have in your wedding album. Of course, we all love the picturesque shots in beautiful settings, with soft smiles, perfect light, and perfect hair… but how about having a little fun with your poses? We think there’s nothing better than a shot that will capture the laughs and love that you share for your bridesmaids. Whether it’s candid or planned, a photo like the one below is guaranteed to be one of your favorite shots from your chill day.

funny bridesmaids photo

Have fun with your Bridechilla™ team! Photos like this are fun to capture, and fun to look back on. They’re both funny and unique, and will be passed around for years.

fun bridesmaids d8b45f74e5dc6d4b94f034f963f6de59
Have fun with props, too! These could always be used later in a photobooth for your guests.


We also love these shots with the maid-of-honor, very cute and fun.

And how about a morning of the wedding shot? You can have fun with this one for sure!


And how can we forget this one…

so much fun

Surround yourself with a fun bridal party and remember to capture the reasons why they are by your side on your chill day. Take this tip with an open mind and BE CREATIVE! We’d love to see some fun shots from our Bridechillas and their chill team, so share away!


Bridechilla™ Tip #22

Tip #22 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Hashtag your wedding day!

7018447cad096afca8d8f3caf39b6033It certainly is 2013 when we’re advising you to hashtag your own wedding, but you wouldn’t believe how awesome it can be when you’re looking back on the memories. Social media is really taking off and there are always new ways of making use of it. Not sure what a hashtag is? Let our friends at sum it up for you:

If you have been on Twitter, you may have seen a “hashtag.” To put it simply, a hash tag is simply a way for people to search for tweets (or instagrams!) that have a common topic and to begin a conversation. For example, if you search on #LOST (or #Lost or #lost, because it’s not case-sensitive), you’ll get a list of tweets related to the TV show. What you won’t get are tweets that say “I lost my wallet yesterday” because “lost” isn’t preceded by the hash tag.

By asking your guests to #hashtag their instagram photos and twitter posts, you can easily search the given hashtag and view all the tweets and instagram photos shared from your wedding -all taken by your guests! How cool would it be to have a ton of candid shots to look back on while you wait to leave on your honeymoon? Here are some great ways to show your guests how to capture the fun at your chill day.

Instagram-wedding-hashtag And of course chalkboards are a really easy way to get the word out about your hashtag, just make sure your guests see it as soon as they arrive.hashtagST_Instagram_Your_Wedding_1

What will your hashtag be?

b4346fe2cf8fd7d860ad4a3afcf95504 86a9d0b3fd6eb94d2721d923d7933a1eIt can also be fun to ask your guests to send you well wishes and advice!

scpDOTW24(pp_w850_h566_m1304630901_a73_pBL)We think you get the idea…. #BETHECHILL


Bridechilla™ Tip #21

Tip #21 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Add unique details to your wedding. Nothing says chill like little touches.

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Your wedding day will be remembered by many, and there are tons of ways to make it even more chill in a personal way. By including small design elements that mean a lot to YOU in your chill day, this will make it even more memorable by you and your future spouse. It’s the simple things like the handwritten chalkboard signs and burlap wrapped bouquets that can make your wedding even more beautiful. Because what makes a chill atmosphere so perfect? The D E T A I L S. Everyone loves a small touch; even if it’s just a welcome sign with food favors for guests that have traveled from miles away or even a dog walking down the alter (you all know we love inviting them too). As a Bridechilla, you will never be the one stressing about the entire ceremony going well, you will be remembering the amazing little touches like the groom’s first look and riding a bike through wine country after the ceremony.


Bridechilla Jennine and her husband Ian having a memorable moment after their wedding!

382196_10151472289803482_739389958_nP.S. Check out Niamah and Darren’s Off The Beaten Path wedding featured on Style Me Pretty to get a real good idea of what we mean by little details!

Happy Wednesday everyone!


Bridechilla™ Tip #20

Tip #20 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Remind your groom to have some fun on the wedding day.


So your chill day is finally here! And you and the chill gals might be staying at a hotel with plans to use the entire morning to get ready for the day. And of course, the guys only take a small percentage of the time you do to get ready and need something fun to occupy the rest of their time until the ceremony. Being the Bridechilla™ that you are, you want to make sure your groom has something planned to keep the boys enjoying their day while the girls get dolled up.

wedding party

Here are some chill ideas for groomsmen activities:

  • Of course, the most popular suggestion is to play golf. If your groom loves the game this would be a fun activity for them.
  • If they’re not golf fans, suggest a trip to the batting cages or a game of football… just make sure everyone comes back in one piece 🙂
  • A card game or a game of pool are also great suggestions (and are much safer too).
  • Brunch! Having a meal will keep their energy up for the big day ahead, and would also be a great way to relax.
  • On the morning of the wedding, have the boys go to a classic barber shop for a shave.
  • Take photos. This would be a perfect time to have your photographer get some shots of your groom and his groomsmen. If you need ideas for posing, there’s a few funny ones on our Pinterest!

Boys just want to have fun!


No matter what your grooms are up to on your chill day, it is important they are having FUN and enjoy the day from start to finish. Let the boys be boys and the girls will be girls. And everyone will be C H I L L.
