Ordering your wedding invitations? Let this be your guide!

How to make organizing your Wedding Invitations a breeze

Off The Beaten Path Weddings photos by KT MERRY and MATT EDGE

2012 Bridechilla™ Ni and husband Darren’s wedding invitation (Event Styling by Off The Beaten Path Weddings, photos by KT Merry Photography) on left and 2013 Bridechilla™ Steph and husband Jeremy’s wedding suite on right (Event Styling by Off The Beaten Path Weddings, photos by Matt Edge Photography).

Sorting your wedding invitations might seem like a fairly straight forward process, however once you start looking at designs you’ll soon realize that simply isn’t true. Organizing your invitations can begin to get complicated once you grasp how many options are out there and how many details need to be considered. To help take the stress out of organizing your wedding invitations we’ve put together some handy tips so you can begin your search with ease.

Guest article by Kristi charter

2013 Bridechilla™ Tara and husband Justin's wedding invitation suite... love the modern elegance! (onelove photography)

2013 Bridechilla™ Tara and husband Justin’s wedding invitation suite… love the modern elegance! (Event Styling by Off The Beaten Path Weddings, photos by onelove photography)

Setting your Budget

Before you get caught up in the whirlwind of looking at hundreds of different invitation designs, you must first sit down with your fiancé and work out your wedding budget. Setting boundaries at the start will help ensure you don’t spend well beyond your means. Once you have set a budget, you will need to decide what proportion of your entire wedding budget will be allocated to invitations. If you go ahead and begin your invitation search before setting a budget, you are likely to end up spending a lot more than you were initially prepared to spend so keep this in mind. By taking the time out to organize your budget with your partner you will also ensure they feel involved and that you are both in agreement from the start.

Created by The Aerialist Press, this wedding invitation suite carries a consistent, lovely theme!

Created by The Aerialist Press, this wedding invitation suite carries a consistent, lovely theme! (photos by Scott Andrew Studio, via Snippet & Ink)

Consider your Theme

We’ve all heard it before and it really is true, your wedding invitation is the first glimpse your guests will have of your special day and it will set their expectations for what’s to come. As such it is important you take the opportunity to introduce your guests to the style and formality of your wedding through your invitations.  In addition to all the key information such as dates and venue locations, your invitation design will help your guests decipher the dress code if it is not specifically stated. Having a theme or basic idea of how you wish to style your wedding in mind prior to sourcing your invitation will assist you in narrowing your search for invitations, effectively speeding up the entire process. Even simply having a color theme rather than a broader and more specific styling theme in mind can help.

Don't settle when it comes to your wedding stationary! Find the perfect look for YOU. (Photo via Erich McVey Photography via Style Me Pretty)

Don’t settle when it comes to your wedding stationary! Find the perfect look for YOU. (photos by Erich McVey Photography via Style Me Pretty)

Don’t settle

Before you commit to an order, make sure you first shop around and compare prices to ensure you are getting the best deal to suit your budget. For a simpler process we recommend browsing online wedding invitation suppliers rather than scouring traditional brick and mortar stores which can often be time consuming. The beauty of online stores is having the convenience to search for invitations at any time that fits within your schedule.  By browsing online, you’ll be able to gauge whether you are getting a good deal and might even be able to find some one-off promotions. Also if you have the option, always order samples especially if ordering from an online supplier because products always look different in person. While prices are important you should also take the time to compare quality.  By inspecting the invitations up close, you will be able to make a well informed selection and avoid ending up with invitations you are not truly happy with.

2011 Bridechilla™ Jennifer and husband Bryan’s wedding suite by Passing Notes on right (by Catherine Hall Studios via Style Me Pretty).

2011 Bridechilla™ Jennifer and husband Bryan’s wedding suite by Passing Notes on right (Event Styling by Off The Beaten Path Weddings, photos by Catherine Hall Studios via Style Me Pretty).

Wording your invites

While selecting the right design is important, choosing the right wording and layout is equally as important. You will need to do some research into wording options and styles, however your chosen wedding invitation supplier will most likely have templates that they can provide you with to inspire and assist you in selecting your wording. Similar to your design, your wording should also reflect the tone and style of your wedding. You can opt to keep it simple and include only the main points or you might like to add a quote or poem.  Bear in mind that it is vital to keep the text minimal, as you don’t want to overload your guests with too much content. Including too much content has the potential to make it difficult for your guests to read and could possibly result in vital information such as times and locations getting lost in the confusion.

2013 Bridechilla™ Meghan and husband Ben’s wedding suite (onelove photography).

2013 Bridechilla™ Meghan and husband Ben’s wedding suite (Event Styling by Off The Beaten Path Weddings, photos by onelove photography).

Know everything

The last step before you place an order with an invitation company is to reassess and confirm you have all the necessary information before you proceed. Make sure you know exactly what you will be paying for and that there are no hidden costs that might arise, which you hadn’t prepared for. An example of this is envelopes, some companies will provide these while others will charge a fee. You should also question your invitation supplier about their turnaround times and how long it will take until you receive your invites, including delivery times if relevant.  Another consideration to make is whether your guest’s names will be printed by your supplier or this is something you have to organize separately. The simplest way to ensure you have everything covered is to make a check list and cross it off as you go. Don’t worry if you feel like you’re hounding your invitation supplier, your invitations are an integral aspect to your wedding planning and as such should be done right from the start.

2012 Bridechilla™ Tracey and husband Mark’s wedding invitation suite for their Off The Beaten Path Wedding. (vIa Style Me Pretty, photo by What Shanni Saw)

2012 Bridechilla™ Tracey and husband Mark’s wedding invitation suite for their Off The Beaten Path Wedding. (Event Styling by Off The Beaten Path Weddings, photos by What Shanni Saw, vIa Style Me Pretty)

Approving your Proof

Before your invitation is printed your stationer will send you either a digital proof (via email) or a hard copy proof for you to approve or request amendments. It is vital and we cannot stress this enough that you check the proof several times before you approve it. Also, get someone you trust with a fresh set of eyes to check it too. Examine your proof closely, looking for any grammar or spelling mistakes. You’ll be surprised at how easily these are overlooked. Remember, that while your invitation supplier will endeavor to ensure there are no errors, if for instance one does occur and isn’t realized until the order has been printed your supplier will hold no responsibility. You’ll either have to put up with the error or if there is time for a reprint, be prepared for it to come out of your own pocket.

Beautiful Custom Calligraphy by Lauren Ish Design and Brown Linen Design

Beautiful Custom Calligraphy by Lauren Ish Design and Brown Linen Design

Always Order Extra

After you’ve checked your guest list twice and are ready to place your invitation order, add a few extra to your quantity. You might be thinking why would I want to pay for extra invitations that I have no one to give them too? Simply put you might have managed to miss someone or an unexpected guest might be added to your list after it has been finalized. Also, if you are addressing your invites yourself be prepared for the likely chance that an error will occur. If instead you’ve hired a professional calligrapher remember that they’re only human and can make mistakes too!

Hold on to an invitation! It makes the perfect keepsake from your wedding day. (via Style Me Pretty, photo by Meg Miller Photography)

Hold on to an invitation! It makes the perfect keepsake from your wedding day. (via Style Me Pretty, photo by Meg Miller Photography)

Lastly, don’t forget to keep an invitation for yourself. It’ll make the perfect keepsake of your special day.

About the author

Kristi Charter is a passionate freelance writer, inspired by all that is beautiful, fresh and creative. With a keen interest in the wedding industry and a wide array of knowledge, Kristi is a regular blogger for Giant Invitations.


Tips to Save Money on Your Wedding


No matter how big your budget is, there always seems to be ways to go over it on your big day. Those extra touches and special upgrades on items such as food and flowers can soon push costs skyward. Here are some tips and tricks to try and lower the price of the essentials for your wedding.

Guest article written by Sian Morgan

  • Package deals from your venue – Many hotels and venues that are often used for weddings now offer an all-in-one package deal so you can be clear on costs from the outset. These will often incorporate food and decorations as well as the cost of venue hire and can work out cheaper than hiring in outside caterers. The restriction of these type of deals is that you will need to keep to a certain number of guests, which can work out well if that is a figure you already had in mind.
  • Venues can also be cheaper during the week, meaning the hire fee will be reduced and sometimes waived completely if you are paying for catering and bar services. However this can cause problems for your guests if you are inviting a lot of people, especially at short notice as it can be difficult to get time off from work. It can also mean more traveling expenses if it is not at the weekend.
  • If you’re happy to go with a more simple style of wedding cake, choosing a high quality store bought cake and dressing it up with ribbon and matching flowers from your bouquet can be a great way to get a lovely cake that is a lot cheaper than a custom made design from a wedding baker. It has been noted that cakes from Marks and Spencer’s often taste much nicer than large expensive cakes from a wedding boutique. Having a cupcake stand rather than a multi-tiered cake can also give a modern twist to the traditional wedding style.
  • Consider having your main meal a little later on in the day. If you are getting married at 2pm, typically the meal will be around 4-5pm. Pushing it back an hour to 6pm means you won’t need a second meal later on and can simply provide a small selection of snacks to satisfy hungry guests later on at the reception. Don’t go overboard with catering orders as a lot may get wasted which simply results in the staff eating it rather than your guests!
  • Disposable cameras may seem a good way to get some extra shots of your wedding but it seems you are more than likely to throw 70% of the photos away. Printing and developing costs can be very expensive for little return, as well as the original cost of buying the cameras. It can be a better idea to have a specific email address for guests to email photos to. There are also several photo sharing apps you could use and have projected during the reception. Bear in mind how good the phone signal at your reception is, which can be a problem in more rural areas.
  • The main expense of your wedding is likely to be the food and drink for your guests, depending on how luxurious your standards are and the number of guests. If you don’t want an open bar but want to give your guests something, try offering two drink vouchers per person to be used at the bar. This way you know the upfront cost rather than being presented with an extortionate bill the day after.


  • Creating your own programs and invitations can cut an added expense. Enlist the help of a design-savvy friend or buy one of the lower cost invitation kits. Having them printed at your local print and copy shop can be cheaper than paying for a specific wedding invitation package from your planner.


  • When shopping for bridesmaids’ dresses, go for upmarket high street options rather than heading straight for a wedding boutique. There are often a greater selection of colors and styles, as well as more modern, fashionable dresses if you are after something a little different than a classic style. If you are savvy enough and shop ahead, getting each bridesmaid’s size or measurements, you can then watch out for the items when there is a discount event or sale on.
  • If you are looking to save money on the bride’s dress, choosing a second-hand dress can be a great way to get the dress you want at a much lower dress. Many people do not like the idea of having another bride’s dress, however it is a shame that they only get worn for one day and then never again. Also, many charity shops such as Oxfam have specialist bridal shops, meaning you will save money as well as donating to a good cause. Spending a small amount on getting a dress tailored to fit you will often still be much less than buying an expensive dress new.

Sian is a keen freelance writer who has a passion for all things wedding related. Her favorite north east wedding band is Funk Conspiracy, who she has worked with on numerous occasions to make the happy couple’s day extra special.

All photos from McKenzie and Tim’s
Off The Beaten Path Wedding, photographed by Michelle Kim.


PART TWO: Interview with a blogging Bridechilla™

julia and tom

One month shy of marrying her hubby-to-be, our Off The Beaten Path Weddings Bridechilla™ Julia Bayard was blogging away about her planning experience as well as everything “preppy and fabulous”. From Wedding Planning 101 to stylish adventures with her now husband, Tom, this Bridechilla™ has been inspiring us to encourage all brides to start a blog on their journey to the aisle. One month before her wedding, we interviewed Julia about her experience with Off The Beaten Path Weddings and how blogging has kept her chill throughout the experience. Find more about Julia’s pre-wedding journey here, and read below for our interview with her on the DAY OF her wedding! All photos from the #juliaandtom Instagram feed.


So, how are you feeling today Julia?

I’m in a good mood! Here I am, sitting in full hair and make-up, in my wedding dress… it’s kind of surreal. Is this really happening? I am so happy to have everyone I love here with me today.

There are so many things to be excited about right now, what are you looking forward to the most today?

For over a whole year I have been so consumed in this day; making sure everything will come together and finally it is my turn to just relax. I am excited to simply enjoy myself with everyone I love and care about.

Tell us about your experience with Off The Beaten Path Weddings.

It was great. Mary Ellen was a real expert and helped streamline the wedding planning process. She got our vision right away and was able to make many decisions without our involvement, which was amazing considering how many decisions we needed to make otherwise.

How has blogging about your wedding planning experience helped this process as a whole? Did you ever get any great advice from fellow bloggers and readers?

Oh absolutely- everything from what to register for “don’t register for like life you life now, register for the life you will lead” to getting ready tips “begin hair and makeup before you think you need to because you will for sure run late.” It was helpful to both be able to vent/get advice from a large network and also share any great resources we found.

How have you kept the anti-zilla attitude through this whole experience?

Mary Ellen did a wonderful job working with vendors and partners to provide us with the best options possible. That really helped reduce the stress because we knew we were in good hands 🙂

It’s been 1 month since our first interview with you. What are some things you think all brides should remember in the final month of planning?

The end is in sight! The final push is usually the most challenging but it’s so worth it when you can relax on your big day!

Side note: check out how Julia & Tom’s reception grew even more beautiful as the night went on… talk about lighting love!

Lighting love

Are you a Bridechilla™ sharing your step-by-step, month-by-month experience with the world? Please send your link to us so we can stay in tune with your planning experience and be on hand with any chill advice you might need for this experience!


Find Julia Bayard’s Blog, Tartan & Sequins by clicking here be on the look out as she begins sharing the official photos from her wedding by Onelove Photography. Find Tartans & Sequins on Facebook and Twitter. Congratulations to Julia and Tom!


PART ONE: Interview with a blogging Bridechilla™-to-be


One month shy of marrying her hubby-to-be, our Off The Beaten Path Bridechilla™ Julia Bayard is blogging away about her planning experience as well as everything “preppy and fabulous”. From Wedding Planning 101 to stylish adventures with her fiance, Tom, this Bridechilla™ is inspiring us to encourage all brides to start a blog on her journey to the aisle. Find more about Julia’s journey so far with this interview below and stay tuned for our PART TWO interview with Julia on her wedding day!

120812KP736Photo by onelove photography

Tell us a little about your blog, Tartans & Sequins.

I describe Tartan & Sequins as a home for all things preppy and fabulous. I navigate party planning, style my bad self, play beauty parlor, and share my latest obsessions. It’s all the stuff you talk about with your girlfriends over wine, accessible anytime!

What made you decide to take a step in to the blogging world?

I have always had a love for all things preppy and fabulous. While stuck in a job I didn’t love, I was searching for a creative outlet. Turns out, Allison McDonald, my former blog partner was looking for the same thing. After months of texting/emailing/calling/liking/etc, I proposed the idea of us starting a blog together, and Tartan & Sequins was born. Allison recently left the blog to pursue other opportunities so I am now solely responsible for Tartan & Sequins. It’s an exciting new chapter for me!

We looove that you share details about your planning experience with your readers. How has blogging about your upcoming wedding helped you stay chill?

I think the thing about wedding planning is that no one realllllly tells you what to expect. Sure, people say that it’s hard and stressful, but no one really explains how or why. Sharing my experiences has allowed me to get support and guidance at a time when I really needed it!

How did you hear about Off The Beaten Path Weddings?

As soon as I got engaged and started planning out wedding, I felt overwhelmed with all of the details. I had given up on being able to afford a wedding planner until a friend suggested OTBPW. She had used OTBPW and said Mary Ellen was amazing at managing her budget and delivered a wonderful wedding. After meeting with Mary Ellen and visiting our now venue, I was sold! I would not be able to have the wedding we’re having without OTBPW!

So, only 1 more month left until your Off The Beaten Path Wedding! Is there any advice you can offer our Bridechilla’s that have just begun their planning?

Learn how to delegate. Whether it be to a wedding planner, your fiancé, parents, Maid of Honor, or all of the above, learn how to delegate! Whenever I get that glazed look on my eyes for too many days in a row, my fiancé sits me down and makes me go through my to-do list. He forces me to assign him items on my list. While I am resistant to give things up, ultimately, it is the key to surviving wedding planning!

julias picksAre you a Bridechilla™ sharing your step-by-step, month-by-month experience with the world? Please send your link to us so we can stay in tune with your planning experience and be on hand with any chill advice you might need for this experience!


Find Julia Bayard’s Blog, Tartan & Sequins by clicking here and also stay up to date with her planning via Facebook and Twitter.


Bridechilla™ Tip #32

Tip #32 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Never lose the memories of your wedding day, get a chill photographer to capture it, AND a chill cinematographer to FILM it!

Off The Beaten Path Weddings couple Alana & Peter

by rose street studio

Vows are so precious and probably one of our favorite parts of the ceremony. These vows are a glimpse in to the love and connection that Alana & Peter have for each other – and we can’t imagine them being captured better in any other way other than in this film by rose street studio. So, press play and see why we just can’t get over this wedding film.

Off The Beaten Path Weddings couple Mark & Tracy

By David Waldorf

When we asked wedding videographer, David Waldorf, why he thinks having a wedding film is such a valuable keepsake, his response was something we can’t help but agree with; “film/video makes you relive the moment unlike any other visual medium. Maybe it is the combination of image and sound that stimulates one’s memory.”

Mondavi Wedding by Off The Beaten Path Weddings – Megan & Carlo

By David Waldorf

Many people (including us) wonder if there would ever be a chance that wedding films would be more chosen over photography in the future. “I feel wedding photography will always be more popular than a wedding video. Analogously the main course is the photography and the video is the dessert”, says Waldorf on the subject.

Off The Beaten Path Couple Anna & Darren

By Weddings on Film

We couldn’t help but ask Waldorf one more important question, especially for our chill brides that are interested in hiring a wedding cinematographer or videographer. So, what is the most important thing to remember when hiring a cinematographer to film your wedding? “One of the most important things in choosing a cinematographer is picking a professional who’s work you can relate to and that you feel confident can tell your story visually.” says Waldorf.

Nick & Laura’s romantic elopement in the mountains

 By Janssen Powers Media

We also  l o v e  our chill photographers and how they have the talent to capture and deliver amazing photos to our Off The Beaten Path couples, so that they can keep their wedding day portraits near and dear to them for all the chill years to come. With the rise of mobile applications such as Instagram Video and Vine, we can’t help but point out some great wedding films that definitely make us want to advise our future Bridechilla’s to consider thinking about hiring a cinematographer along with a photographer.

Heartfelt vows by Travis & Mari

By Bridges Cinema

This video alone can be enough reason to hire a cinematographer. You never know when  your groom is about to bust out in song during the reading of his vows! But in all seriousness, this video is proof that you cannot capture such moments in photos. Have someone film your vows so that you always remember the promises you made (or sang) to each other.

Destination wedding with Nick & Maria

By Paperback Weddings

Promise this is the last one!  This small English wedding is full of pretty,  we just had to include it on this Bridechilla™ Tip. Although the bride’s mother could not make it to the wedding, this video is something we can bet that she loves to watch over and over so that she doesn’t feel like she missed the day completely. Which is another great reason to consider hiring a wedding cinematographer – imagine how happy guests who couldn’t make it will be when they find they can watch a short film of what they missed.


Be more on top of the Bridechilla Blog by being on our e-mail list! Send your e-mail to gloria@offthebeatenpathweddings.com to be added!

Anna & David’s Off The Beaten Path Wedding

anna and david couple

This past weekend we celebrated the union of Off The Beaten Path couple, Anna & David. This chill couple kicked off the OTBPW 2013 season last Saturday at a private estate in Napa Valley. This was the first wedding of the season, so we thought it would be chill to have LIVE updates for our readers on Facebook and Instagram, as well as Twitter. We suggest you follow along with us as this is the first of MANY Bridechilla’s you will be able to gain live inspiration from as it is happening.

An Off The Beaten Path Wedding is known to be a celebration in nature full of creative touches and gracious hospitality. Anna & David’s wedding exemplified a true celebration in nature; full of organic infused design that only meant seasonal flowers, colors, olive branches folded in to the napkins, and much more. As much as this day was beautifully designed, it was just as much fun for the guests; as Mary Ellen Murphy would call it, “a party with a wedding thrown in”.

A wedding without walls is all about using natural surroundings for decor and making the most of the setting you’re in. The OTBPW team used the shade outside the Napa Valley private venue to serve spiked and unspiked lemonade to arriving guests, which were embellished with vibrant florals. Every table was adorned with pink hydrangeas and yellow blooms, creating a irresistible color palette and a pop of summer hues. The escort cards all hung on 3 plum trees, where they could be easily found during cocktail hour.


One of the most memorable aspects of the wedding was this chill dessert idea. Anna & David were so chill and so Off The Beaten Path by choosing to go above and beyond when it came to the standard wedding cake. Instead of just a cake, Anna & David let the Off The Beaten Path Wedding team run with a NEW idea – a dessert bar. This was hands-down one of the most favorite details to the wedding, which included everything from root beer floats and cheesecake to cookies and milkshake donuts. (Oh yes we did) Tons of guests captured images of this new Off The Beaten Path signature detail, but we made sure to gather some images of our own to show our Bridechilla™ readers.

anna and david dessert

Anna & David’s chill dessert bar, featuring OTBPW invention, “Milkshake Donuts”

anna and david chillin

Guests were greeted with the choice of spiked or unspiked lemonade, a trademark by Off The Beaten Path Weddings (and a must-have drink for
a summer wedding in our opinion…)




a big chill thank you to the Off The Beaten Path Weddings Team for all your
hard work last Saturday!

We look forward to sharing more inspiring details from this Summer’s weddings, but nothing compares to getting the inspiration as it is happening. To follow us and catch more of the OTBPW Team in action find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Bridechilla™ Tip #31

Tip #31 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Throw an awesomely chill 4th of July party in your backyard!


Summer has definitely arrived here in the golden state, and if you aren’t feeling the heat yet, you will be very soon. Since there’s not much we can do about the hot weather, we might as well do our best to enjoy it then, right? And we can’t think of a better time than the Fourth of July to throw a backyard party with good friends, good food, and maybe a little fireworks…

Here are our some of our favorite ways to keep a 4th of July party chill:


Keep it simple with serving fresh berries (totally in season & delicious right now) and soda pop in those classic Coca Cola bottles. This is a great way to give your backyard party a vintage American feel, and these details will not be very hard to find at your local grocery stores.


Refreshments please!  For the non-soda lovers, you must include this signature Off The Beaten Path Wedding detail at all your parties this summer. Everyone will love it! Serve your guests lemonade, with spiked & not spiked options to keep everyone hydrated and chill.


Nothing screams “All-American” like the classic mason jar. Use these for cups at your party and even make them more festive by embellishing them with a red, white, & blue striped straw.

Side note: check out that nail art!


Don’t stress over decor. A simple backyard party is easier to throw than ever. Other than hanging American flags everywhere, you can try this: make flag banners by cutting paint-chip cards from your local hardware store into triangles. Using a hole punch, cut two holes at the top edges of each triangle. String together using white ribbon, separating triangles about 1 inch apart. (Thank you walgreens.com for this helpful & affordable tip!)

6895182b2471865adf28700b35c6b02cBlair’s festive chic.

Stay cool, chill, and cute in a summer dress! Our Bridechilla Julia has picked out a few patriotic looks on her blog, Tartan & Sequins. Can’t go wrong with any of these 4th of July Styles.

1edf8045e4b6e08f50bdfa98d279b01dSparkle, sparkle. It might be in the 90’s or higher where you celebrate the holiday, so try to take your mind off of the heat with some fireworks. Everyone enjoys the hand held sparklers, and they are even suitable for children.


Happy Independence Day from Off The Beaten Path Weddings & Bridechilla.
Celebrate responsibly!


Be more on top of the Bridechilla Blog by being on our e-mail list! Send your e-mail to gloria@offthebeatenpathweddings.com to be added!

Bridechilla™ Tip #30

Tip #30 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Remember the 5 most common things Summer brides forget! See our list below.

summer bridePhoto by Michele M. Waite

Tomorrow is the first day of SUMMER (what’s your favorite summer activity?!), so if wedding season isn’t in full swing yet – it’s about to be. While we’re preparing ourselves we also want to make sure our Bridechilla’s are too. This week’s Bridechilla™ Tip is made for the brides planning to say ‘I do’ in the next few months. These tips will have you on top of the things most Summer Bridechillas will forget.

summer boutonnierePHOTO BY Summer Street Photography

the  B O U T O N N I E R E  –  Order a back-up boutonniere (or two!) for your groom. Since he will be wearing this all day, the florals are apt to wilt a lot quicker. Having a spare will keep his look fresh and chill through a sunny and warm wedding day.

summer guestsPHOTO BY onelove photography

the  G U E S T S  –  Keep your guests in mind when planning a summer wedding. The day is likely to be hot and sunny, so have something out for them to stay cool with. Either fans, umbrellas, or even pairs of shades for every one!

spiked unspiked copyTOP PHOTO by Catherine Hall Studios, Bottom photo by Jessica Burke Photography

the  D R I N K S  –  Make sure there are plenty of non-alcoholic refreshments! Guests will be trying to stay hydrated, so you don’t want them grabbing cocktails every time they get a little thirsty. A signature of an Off The Beaten Path Wedding, the “Spiked” and “Not Spiked” punch is always the way to go. Also… make sure you and the groom have water bottles handy – you will be talking, dancing, and moving a lot so you will be very thirsty!

summer couple

photos by Jessica Burke Photography

the  P O R T R A I T S  –  Your photographer may have warned you of this one, but we’re going to tell you anyway. Do NOT schedule your portraits for noon. And if you don’t know what the “magic light” or “magic hour” is, be sure to ask your photographer! At noon, the sun will be at it’s peak and you will definitely be having some harsh shadows ruining your images. So remember to wait later on in the day, around pre-sunset for the most chill photo experience.

seasonal producePHOTO via the habit of being

the  F A V O R S  –  Don’t forget to use the summer season to your advantage! Our favorite way of sending a chill thank you to your guests is by sending home summer treats as thank you favors. Theses seasonal fruit favors will keep your guests refreshed, and can even be a snack for the ride home. We even have a list of summer fruits for you right here.

Happy planning, Bridechillas!


Be more on top of the Bridechilla Blog by being on our e-mail list! Send your e-mail to gloria@offthebeatenpathweddings.com to be added!

Bridechilla™ Tip #29

Tip #29 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Keep your wedding party CHILL by taking them on a group bike ride with Napa Valley Bike Tours.

napa valley bike tours

IMAGINE. It’s finally here, the week of your wedding. After all the venue hunting, planning, finding that perfect chalkboard touch you were looking for, deciding on the ultimate floral crown, & even purchasing some very chill bridesmaid gifts, what else is there to do? If you ask us, we’re thinking it’s time to C H I L L. If you’re a California Bridechilla, we suggest a heavy dose of chill  by getting outside, unplugging from our cellphones, and truly enjoying all that wine country has to offer. To make this outdoor experience even more perfect, why not try it on bike? There’s no reason not to take this chance to see Napa Valley from a whole new perspective, especially when our friends at Napa Valley Bike Tours make it so easy.


Napa Valley Bike Tours has hosted numerous wedding groups on private and bespoke guided bike tours; in fact, they’ve even hosted a few of our Bridechillas who have had their Off The Beaten Path Wedding in Napa. Napa Valley Bike Tours hosts bike rides for bachelorette and groomsmen trips, as well as private bike tours for bridal parties and select family members the day before (or even after) the nuptials. Taking one of these tours is the ultimate chill activity that engages everyone in the beautiful destination you’ve chosen for your wedding, while making for a great pre-wedding memory. Let go of that smart phone and try this on for size!

napa valley bike tours2

How will you relax on your wedding week? By having a bicycle ride date with your groom-to-be, or by taking the whole party?

napa valley bike tour3

So IMAGINE a long adventure through Napa Valley concluding in an outdoor picnic under the shade.. can you say C H I L L? We can’t think of a more relaxing adventure than one that lets us nature, food, and the California sunshine all in one day.

napa valley bike tours4

To find out more information about Napa Valley Bike Tours for private bike tours, click here.

napa valley bike tours5

All photos provided by Napa Valley Bike Tours


A big THANK YOU to all of our new readers & followers, we are so grateful for each of you! Please don’t forget to stop by our shop sometime and see some other ways  you can wear the chill.

Bridechilla™ Tip #28

Tip #28 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ – Stay chill (and we mean literally!) while out there in the Summer sun with our Bridechilla™ cap, “The Emily”.

The sun is shining bright, you’re hydrated, ready to take your cruiser around some gorgeous Napa Valley trails, and the only thing you’re missing is some shade to cover your head and eyes. We suggest you spare yourself that awful scalp sunburn and a hairzilla episode, and put on our Bridechilla™ cap, The Emily. It’s perfectly chill with a vintage touch, what better way to gear up for your adventure than try this hat?


A little about this piece of un-zilla wear: The Emily was named after one of our Bridechillas, Emily who had her Off The Beaten Path Wedding with now husband Matt in Napa in July 2011. The Emily is gently frayed and faded, and manufactured by Alternative Apparel. This perfectly distressed HAT has a been-to-the-front-lines-and-back look with a signature vintage-inspired style and distressed accents. Features pre-curved bill, velcro closure and a contrasting stitched box on the side.



  • Color – Khaki with Tangerine text
  • 100% cotton chino twill
  • Enzyme washed
  • Destroyed accents
  • Unisex regular fit


Purchase The Emily here. Happy riding!



A big THANK YOU to all of our new readers & followers, we are so grateful for each of you! Please don’t forget to stop by our shop sometime and see some other ways  you can wear the chill.