Bridechilla™ Tip #52

Serve craft beer at your wedding!

Tip #52 – How to be a BRIDECHILLA™ by Off The Beaten Path Weddings – Try something more chill and serve a selection of craft beer at your wedding!

Sasha PhotographyChampagne is a great way to celebrate, sure, but let’s talk about something more savory to toast to the newlyweds with: CRAFT BEER. If you’ve been pondering the idea of serving craft beer at your reception, you might as well give up the fight now because below you will find 5 strong reasons to have it:

  1. More options! And no, we definitely aren’t talking about Bud, Miller, or Coors. We’re talking CRAFT BEER. There are almost 1,600 craft breweries in the U.S. brewing beers with their own unique ingredients in their own unique way. This is why craft beer is different. Don’t settle for the same beer found at your local Circle K, go to your LOCAL Craft Brewery and do a tasting! Your guests will thank you later for showing them the goodness that is Pale Ale, Lager, or something stronger. Remember, you have tons of choices!
  2. Brewed with perfection. Craft beer has been described as, “10 minutes of pleasure, pure happiness in a glass, authentic, archetypical, an intellectual beverage that is to be savored not swilled and much, much more. It is enjoyed for everyday celebrations and is viewed by many as one of the special things in life that makes the day taste and feel a little better.” by and we couldn’t of said it better! Serve your guests a highly respected beverage by beer enthusiasts all over the world.
  3. Hello, fewer calories. Need we say more? You probably worked out for MONTHS to have that perfect bridal bod, why ruin it with a beverage packed with empty, flavorless caloriest? Have something that you can *savour* the entire night!
  4. Less expensive! If you serve your guests “beer-water” A.K.A. the other beer (let’s not do any name calling), they will most likely consume more of it to catch a little buzz. So you will have to supply more. Here’s our question: Why serve guests multiple, flavorless beers when they can savor a couple IPA’s and catch the same buzz and enjoy something with better quality?
  5. Life is short, drink better beer.  ‘Nuff said.

There you have it. Five awesome reasons you can blame for the best wedding planning decision you’ve made yet. So you’re planning to serve craft beer, but what should you serve? You should keep in mind that although craft beers are made with a complexity of amazing ingredients and treasured by millions all over the world, including Off The Beaten Path Weddings Chief Inspiration Officer, Mary Ellen Murphy – not everyone has tried the versatile beverage that is craft beer so you want to be careful about choosing ones that are too strong.

Serve craft beer at your wedding! Another tip – be sure to visit the local breweries in your area to find the right selection. And again, please keep your guests in mind! You will have the serious beer drinkers, the uninitiated beer-water drinkers (whose lives are about to be changed forever), and the people that are in between. A good selection of craft beer at your reception would include a Pale Ale and Lager for your guests new to craft beer, and then a few other special selections for the more passionate craft beer fanatics.

Serve craft beer at your wedding! Also another thing to keep in mind when choosing your craft beer – the food. You definitely want to pair your craft beer with your chosen entree so be thinking of how the flavors will flirt with each other.

Serve craft beer at your wedding! In conclusion, craft beer is something that is treasured by many and should be enjoyed in moderation, shared, and revered. As you can probably tell, we’re big craft beer fans here at Off The Beaten Path Weddings  + Bridechilla™, so of course we’re going to be a little bossy when trying to help you do it right. But now it’s your turn! Tell us your favorite craft beers, what selection will you be serving at YOUR wedding?


Enjoy responsibly!

Photos by: Kat Braman, and sasha photography (second from top) Planner/Designer: Desiree Dawn Events, Stationery: Make Merry!, Floral: Julia Rohde Designs, Bridal Gown: Bacio Bacio Bridal, Beer: Due South Brewing Co. via Grey Likes Weddings